Lori Harvey Astrology Birth Chart Analysis. She has a capricorn sun, mercury, Venus, Jupiter & neptune. Pisces moon too like kim Kardashian and Michael Jackson. Water moons are usually very perceptive/intuitive as well as emotionally in tune. People are obsessed with pisces placements.
All that cap energy makes sense as to why she moves in silence. Mercury in cap ppl are boring af (sorry lmao) to me tbh (I’m a sag mercury). Makes sense as to why when she opens her mouth, I instantly get bored. Mercury in cap ppl take time with their words & they’re very simple & to the point when they do speak.
With her Venus in cap ppl don’t do PDA (like kissing in public, fondling, etc) everything they do with their s/o is pretty private. They’re not the type to go on social media & make a scene, that’s not their style at all. Venus in cap loves money too.
Lori Harvey is always gonna have a money motive in any relationship that she enters. A “What can you do for me?” type of energy. You won’t ever see her with a broke dude.
You’d really need house placements to get the full picture BUT I don’t think she has polarized anybody tbh. Black Twitter is easily impressed but I doubt majority of the world even knows who Lori is. Now Meghan Markle, is someone who polarized everyone imo, she made history & had a lot of people shocked & fuming.
A cap stellium makes it easy for her to be attracted to older man, status and being a kept woman. Cap women usually go two ways hardworking/self made or wanting to be kept.
She's a sag rising, Kim K who you mentioned in your OP is also a sag rising. That's part of her allure.
Her NN is in Libra, meaning she is meant to experience committed relationships with others during this lifetime, both platonic . I have read her before and she is a soul who will have multiple soulmates in this lifetime, similar to Aaliyah. In a way she's a compulsive dater with her SN in Aries. Her SN Aries works with her Sun in Cap, basically what can you do for me. She self preserves. Her Sun squares Juno, indicating she prefers short term relationships. She's business/ her minded first.
She has Black Moon Lilith in Leo in the 22nd degree. Attraction to powerful men in the entertainment industry especially older in order to level up. She's climbing up the ladder.
Her mother is a sag moon, she's a pisces moon.
Her sun is conjunct to her neptune. This placement holds a mysticism around her own identity. She keeps people guessing. She has experienced a lot and know how men groom and act when they are powerful.
Being known is one of her main purposes for this lifetime.
Her Jupiter is in Cap too, Jupiter is all about expansion. Her Jupiter conjucts to her Neptune. She's open to scandal, headlines, controversy and an addiction to luxury. Her and Future, Her and Trey and MBJ are good evidence. Even when people attacked her for smiling when talking to Jay-Z. Reputation will be compromised in order for her to get ahead in life.
Her Moon is negatively aspected not to mention she has a water moon sign. Pisces Moon often have a lack of emotional connection to their mother especially when they were a child. Majorie is lowkey a stage mom, she has been grooming Lori for this role since she was modeling since 3. Lori had to grow up very early.
Her Chiron is in Scorpio. Her parents were very controlling, secretive and manipulative. It refers to her father being a drug dealer.
Astrological Themes of her life: power, status, luxury, scandal, gossip and notoriety
Her life theme: All that glitters is not gold.