
Angry Orange was developed as a commercial grade citrus odor eliminator for use around feedlots, boarding kennels and other companies who work with large numbers of animals.If you have pets, you have odors. I know it's not fun to admit, but it is true. You need to admit it! Sometimes the odors aren't too bad and are easily taken care of. Others, well, not so much! That's where something like Angry Orange Pet Odor Eliminator comes in play!

I originally wanted to test this product because we happen to have 2 small (indoor) dogs and 2 cats. What I ended doing was testing it on a tougher kind of odor: vomit and diarrhea. First though, despite the name, I used the Angry Orange Pet Odor Eliminator as a sort of room fragrance - for after cooking and after having a houseful of folk sleeping off their crazy celebratory night on the town. In other words, I had a bunch of drunk people spread throughout the house for a weekend. Drunk people tend to cook large quantities of food, then leave all the leftovers out overnight until they sober up. Drunk people also emit a lot of subtle smells for some reason.

But it is not just for pet odors! Oh it can remove the worst of pet odors and stains including dog and cat urine, litter box odors. It removes other odors too. We moved from a house where there was a lot of mold and mildew. Even after the mold and mildew are cleaned up the odor can linger. The Angry Orange removed that completely! I was thrilled!

But it is also good for cleaning too. When mixing it up I spilled some of it on my kitchen counter. I couldn't believe how nice and clean the counter was when I wiped it up. I then tried it on my stainless steel sink and it shined like crazy as well as was super clean!

It's safe to use all around the house in sinks, toilets, tubs shower, grills, and is safe for tile, carpet, hardwood floors and can even clean and get odor out of concrete! Seriously, this stuff is amazing! It is clearly written on the bottle label.

I have tried all kinds of pet odor eliminators sprays and cleaners and what-not over the years and I can honestly say that nothing has worked as well and smelled as nice as Angry Orange! I am just thrilled with it and so is my family!

To let you know how well it works, our son has a car with a sunroof. There are drainage tubes from the sunroof to the bottom of the doors on the car that drain off the rain and melting snow. Sometimes those drainage holes can get clogged up with dirt and debris. What results is moisture buildup and then mildew and the odor with it! It can get bad believe me, especially when you don't know about the drain holes!! Now we do, the holes are cleared and the Angry Orange is helping to remove the odor from his car, which is soooo nice

Lots of uses for Angry Orange, includes:
  • to remove all types of Pet odor and stains including dog urine, cat urine, litter box odors
  • as a pet odor yard spray
  • a pet odor remover from concrete
  • removes odor from hard wood floors, tile & carpets
  • for cleaning sinks, toilets, tubs & showers etc.
  • works on stainless steel
  • to clean grills
  • to freshen garbage cans

How To Mix | Dilute Angry Orange With Water


A little goes a long way too! One 8 ounce bottle of Angry Orange makes 4, 32 oz spray bottles. You use 30 oz of water to 2 oz of concentrate. But if you need to mix up larger quantities just adjust the measurements accordingly. A little of the spray goes a long way too. 
Very little is needed to remove the odor making this economical too.

The concentrate makes four 32-oz bottles to use and it takes only a couple of sprays to just add a nice fresh scent to the air (or to eliminate serious odor). That's more cost effective than buying lots of air sprays and other scenting products that, in my opinion, don't work as well or last as long. Plus, I cannot emphasize how good this scent is. I HIGHLY recommend Angry Orange Pet Odor Eliminator to you even if you don't have pets!

Where can i buy angry orange pet odor eliminator? You can purchase Angry Orange Pet Odor Eliminator HERE!